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Physiotherapy for writer's cramp

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Enthusiastic writers can easily find themselves writing deep into the night entranced with their novel, or perhaps they are just trying to pay the bills. Focal dystonia, or writer's cramp, occurs when people write for long periods of time without rest, and it is exacerbated by poor hand and wrist position when writing.

Here are some ideas to get relief from your writer's cramp, while still keeping the words flowing.

Switch up your techniques

If you are a dedicated touch typist, try switch backing to the pen and page. Alternatively, if you pound out the words online, try switching back to the notepad for a while to change up your hand position. Not only can this resolve the physical discomfort of staying with a single writing technique but many researchers are now exploring how each writing effect triggers different processes in brain.

Perfect your technique

If you are stuck on one technique, like if you have a large online job to complete, it's important to make sure that your writing technique is optimised. Make sure that you are sitting with your back upright and don't have your hands in a tense and pressurised position. Try taking regular breaks from writing and stretch your hand using stretches — try applying gentle pressure to your thumb at the top knuckle, stretching back towards the wrist. This can often relieve tension and provide some relief from writer's cramp.

Cold packs and anti-inflammatories

If you wake up after a hard night finishing a long writing job and find you can't even grip on to your coffee mug, try using a cold pack and taking some anti-inflammatories. Massage on the tired area and some rest can often help you feel better and get back to work as soon as possible.

Help from a physiotherapist

If you find that switching up writing positions, light stretching, cold packs and anti-inflammatories do not help with your writer's cramp, it may be time to see a physiotherapist. A physiotherapist can give therapeutic massage and help to get your joints moving again, as well as giving advice on correct writing positions to get your hands moving again.

As a writer, your hands are the tools of your livelihood. There is no point in suffering needlessly when there are simple steps available to get your hands working properly again. Contact a physiotherapist from a clinic like Como Physiotherapy Clinic to learn more about easing any pain.
